Bishop Santa vs. the Pope
Greetings, visitors to KringleQuest: The Blog. This item I have deemed too risque for posting via normal means; hence, its inclusion in the KQ Blog. Pay attention, as I will have my own thoughts on this in a moment:
A Christian Bishop, Monk, and child advocate whose legal name is in fact Santa Claus is taking Pope Benedict XVI to task for what Bishop Claus describes as His Holiness' "continued moral failure to address urgent children's issues within the Roman Catholic Church."
Bishop Santa emphasizes that the Pope's unwillingness to address this worldwide issue in a meaningful, productive manner has demonstrated a long-standing, profound moral failure --- one shared by many leaders and clergy of other major denominations.
In the U.S., between 1950 and 2009, the Catholics have paid over $2.6 billion to settle claims of abuse by clergy, have obstructed civil and criminal investigations, and often filed for bankruptcy in order to avoid making court-ordered payments to survivors of clergy abuse. "Clearly," observes Bishop Santa, "the Roman Catholic Church is more concerned with protecting its own clergy and assets rather than protecting vulnerable children." Accordingly, the Jolly Old Bishop has resolved "to explore and utilize a variety of legal means to hold the Church, the Pope and the Vatican especially, accountable for the suffering of many thousands of vulnerable children at the hands of clergy, straight and gay, young and old, celibate or not."
There's more to this, and a lot of it can be found at --- but let me just get my two cents in on this: The Roman Catholic Church stopped being sensible centuries ago, I fear. For all the iconic tales told across the cosmos of their many deeds, good and evil, there tends to be a time when, left unchecked, a great and powerful entity allows itself with the passage of time to be destroyed from within, and unquestionably, that is the case here. Whether or not it will be instrumental in bringing about the fall of Benedict's papacy is for others to determine.
That this bishop in Nevada who calls himself Santa Claus is speaking out in this manner is unprecedented at best and controversial at worst. Bottom line, people: there are some lines that just aren't meant to be crossed............
Posted by kringlequest
at 12:23 PM EDT