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KringleQuest: The Blog
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Five Days to Christmas; New Stuff and a Few Other Items of Note from the Kringleverse

So now, with just five days to go before Christmas, the Beyond Team is battling like the dickens, as it were, to bring our visitors the best Santa stories and information as much as we can do. 

But recently, we were alerted to special education professor George Giuliani's new book, "No More Bullies at the North Pole," wherein the author charges that the classic 1964 stop-motion animated special sends an incorrect message to children regarding bullying. The guy even has a problem with Hermey, the elf who wanted to be a dentist.

If I know Rankin/Bass historian Rick Goldschmidt, he's gonna have a real fit about this! There will be more to come concerning this controversy! Stay tuned!

As for us here at KQ Beyond, we're gonna take a break and maybe do something cool --- like spend the whole weekend dressed up in the full Santa battlegear! Cool, huh? 

Anywho, we're back after the New Year, ready to rock, link, tell new tales, and bring you all the stuff you wanna know from the world of Alexander and Ilya Salkind in general, and the entire Kringleverse in particular. Be here! 

Posted by kringlequest at 12:27 PM EST
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Saturday, 12 November 2011
Exciting Adventures, New Links, A Few Hearty Farewells
Mood:  energetic

We welcome you back to the KringleQuest Blog, where from time to time we get intimate and showcase a few of the things we here on the KringleQuest team have encountered since sharing prior adventures with you.

Of course, our most significant event here in the Kringleverse was the passing, in May 2011, of veteran Kringle Roger Franklin, who for 22 incredible seasons held court as the celebrated "Dean of New York City's Santas," headquartered as he was at Lower Manhattan's South Street Seaport. The loss of Roger Franklin meant far much more to KQ Beyond's Founding Elf, Richard Washington:

"Roger was, simply, my Santa Sensei," Richard explained. Sensei is the Japanese term for 'teacher' or 'mentor.' "He taught me everything I've ever believed in in terms of how to become a great Santa Claus."

2011 also sees actor Charles Edward Hall marking his 25th Anniversary as the longest-serving Santa Claus in Radio City Music Hall history. As part of the celebration, director/choreographer Linda Haberman has decided to shake up this year's Radio City Christmas Spectacular by giving the beloved Rockettes a new, original story emphasizing the girls' athletic prowess: "The Rockettes' Magical Journey," the centerpiece of which places the girls into a 3D-videogame adventure, "Humbugged: Rockettes to the Rescue," wherein the ladies embark on a mission to free Santa's toys from the clutches of the nasty Humbug King and his loyal minions.

There is one other farewell to bring to our visitors' attention: In late October, our colleague Dharmesh shut down the former Superman Cinema website, once more expressing his desire to move on with his life. We wish Dharmesh nothing but the best.

That's all from KringleQuest: The Blog for now. Don't forget to like The KQ Group on Facebook --- and look us up on Twitter as well!  


Posted by kringlequest at 12:22 PM EST
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Thursday, 22 July 2010
Bishop Santa vs. the Pope

Greetings, visitors to KringleQuest: The Blog. This item I have deemed too risque for posting via normal means; hence, its inclusion in the KQ Blog. Pay attention, as I will have my own thoughts on this in a moment:


A Christian Bishop, Monk, and child advocate whose legal name is in fact Santa Claus is taking Pope Benedict XVI to task for what Bishop Claus describes as His Holiness' "continued moral failure to address urgent children's issues within the Roman Catholic Church."

Bishop Santa emphasizes that the Pope's unwillingness to address this worldwide issue in a meaningful, productive manner has demonstrated a long-standing, profound moral failure --- one shared by many leaders and clergy of other major denominations.

In the U.S., between 1950 and 2009, the Catholics have paid over $2.6 billion to settle claims of abuse by clergy, have obstructed civil and criminal investigations, and often filed for bankruptcy in order to avoid making court-ordered payments to survivors of clergy abuse. "Clearly," observes Bishop Santa, "the Roman Catholic Church is more concerned with protecting its own clergy and assets rather than protecting vulnerable children." Accordingly, the Jolly Old Bishop has resolved "to explore and utilize a variety of legal means to hold the Church, the Pope and the Vatican especially, accountable for the suffering of many thousands of vulnerable children at the hands of clergy, straight and gay, young and old, celibate or not."

There's more to this, and a lot of it can be found at --- but let me just get my two cents in on this: The Roman Catholic Church stopped being sensible centuries ago, I fear. For all the iconic tales told across the cosmos of their many deeds, good and evil, there tends to be a time when, left unchecked, a great and powerful entity allows itself with the passage of time to be destroyed from within, and unquestionably, that is the case here. Whether or not it will be instrumental in bringing about the fall of Benedict's papacy is for others to determine.

That this bishop in Nevada who calls himself Santa Claus is speaking out in this manner is unprecedented at best and controversial at worst. Bottom line, people: there are some lines that just aren't meant to be crossed............ 

Posted by kringlequest at 12:23 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 April 2009
From your humble Elf Without Jingles
Mood:  energetic

Well, fans of Santa Claus: The Movie, it's been a while since I last blogged here in KringleQuest: The Blog. We've had a whole mess of Celebrate Santa photos and videos sent across the Planet, Ilya Salkind is preparing a new Santa Claus movie, and there's still the 52nd World Santa Claus Congress at Bakken in Denmark still to come.

In short, fellow Vendequm viewers, not much rest for this Jolly Ol' Elf! Still, I hope those of you checking us out will tell your friends about us. Remember, our address is C'mon and join us!



Posted by kringlequest at 2:38 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005
Here we go: The 20th Anniversary of Santa Claus: The Movie!
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Making Toys (March and Dance)

Well, here we are: Santa Claus: The Movie is about to turn 20, and things could not be better for the KringleQuest team! Carrie Kei Heim is now Mrs. Peter Binas, and has moved her website to a new address -- -- and there's a new look to, too! And as for the folks at Anchor Bay Entertainment? They have pulled out all the stops for the 20th Anniversary Special Edition --- The movie in full screen and wide screen versions! It'll have it all! The making-of documentary! Jeannot Szwarc in conversation with Scott Michael Bosco! The four trailers! THX digital remastering! A special memorial tribute to Dudley Moore! A look back at the Salkind legacy! A special preview of the stuff from the Ilya Salkind Company! AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!! Voyeurs of the Vendequm, you've been waiting for this --- and frankly, so have I! Mark your calendars: DOOLEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th IS COMING! BE THERE!!!!

Posted by kringlequest at 12:04 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 12:07 PM EDT
Friday, 10 December 2004
Updating the Fans
Gang, we've been trying to bring you as much Kringle info as possible. The 20th Anniversary Special Project may have to be pushed back by some 5 years (Darn!), but that's OK. We're still here for the long haul. Meanwhile, still no response from Scott Michael Bosco concerning the Special. We'll let you know if he gets with the program and looks the website up!

Where you are right now, sillies!

Posted by kringlequest at 11:12 AM EST
Friday, 12 November 2004
The New Upgrades Continue; The Santa 20th Special Script in Planning
As the journey toward Santa Claus: The Movie's 20th Birthday nears its finish, I am mindful of many things that need to be worked out, to say nothing of how many more links I can stumble upon while still keeping fresh. Meanwhile, I am still plotting the Santa Claus: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special script; the only thing standing in my way is: Why can I not get Ilya Salkind's phone number? And for that matter, why is Ilya sitting on his Young Alexander project while Oliver (idiot) Stone is getting all the buzz over his?

I am gonna have to look into this matter as soon as I can get a spare minute. For now, it's raining here in New York. I have to find a way to get into my Santa suit again; I may be foced to use that stupid el cheapo belt I have again. Either that, or squeeze into the costume with the new leather belt I found, and I barely succeeded in testing the darn thing out! Oh, the things one must put up with to be an Elf Without Jingles!

Posted by kringlequest at 11:47 AM EST
Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Farewell, Christopher Reeve
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Somewhere in Time
"Do you know how vile it is hearing the first bird of the morning singing when you've been sitting up all night crying?" Thus, Lois to Clark in Superman II.

Here at North Pole HQ, we get the idea. Founding Elf Richard Washington was caught betwixt wakefulness and sleep the night when he got the news that Christopher Reeve had passed away. Indeed, it was two in the morning on that fateful Sunday; and Richard was especially irked by his inability to access the story via computer immediately. Nevertheless, he felt that the job could not go without being undone, or at least tended to. Some folks just don't know how to finish things on the spur of the moment.

Still, for all its sorrows, this incredible web called Life can at best surprise and enlighten all humans. That it does not always do so on a regular basis is perhaps the greatest mistake ever made since the Planet was conceived!

Then again, as always, such is the mystery of Christmas and Santa Claus. It is that mystery that is at the very core of KringleQuest. It is the reason for the website's existence. It is the reason Richard persists in an annoyingly relentless pursuit of the magic of Santa --- relentless, perhaps; innocent, loving and kind: always!

Posted by kringlequest at 2:19 PM EDT
Thursday, 7 October 2004
What Has Gone Before
So our first significant link for 2004 has been posted in Dooley's Links. "Robert's Snow for Cancer's Cure," at, will present 174 original snowflakes in support of Harvard Medical Center's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, where Robert Mercer --- the real-life inspiration for the book, about a lonely little mouse who's not allowed to play in the snow --- is on a new trial vaccine to keep his cancer in remission. Meanwhile, the parent KringleQuest website continues to support its founding charity, the Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, and its Dudley Moore Research Fund. Hoping to determine the Society's status during the evening hours of each of the coming Christmas days.

Meanwhile, Richard has e-mailed Ilya and Dan at the Ilya Salkind Company, and sent them the "cold opening" for the proposed Santa Claus: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special. In it, Richard stands outside Times Square's Marriott Marquis Hotel to introduce the 2-hour documentary about the making of Santa Claus: The Movie.

Further details and the rest of the Special's script, if possible, are on the way. Stay tuned!

Posted by kringlequest at 11:37 AM EDT
Monday, 20 September 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Santa Claus: The Movie
Welcome to KringleQuest: The Blog!

This blog has been created as a secondary, or backup, component to our parent website, --- and also, it serves as a day-to-day diary of the Christmas Adventures of Richard Washington, Founder of, and legendary "Elf Without Jingles."

Some of these tales will chronicle Richard's adventures both in and out of his Santa suit, as well as prepare the script for what ultimately would be the "Santa Claus: The Movie --- The 20th Anniversary Special" television project, conceived by Richard; and given an unofficial (to date) nod of approval by no less a soul than Ilya Salkind himself!

Ultimately, as in the case of the parent website, the immediate purpose of this blog is to increase public awareness of the legacy of the lives, films and legacies of Alexander and Ilya Salkind --- as well as to provide the latest information from the new Team Salkind.

Like its parent site, KringleQuest: The Blog will hopefully make you believe in Santa all over again. We hope you will enjoy it.

Posted by kringlequest at 10:50 AM EDT

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