So now, with just five days to go before Christmas, the Beyond Team is battling like the dickens, as it were, to bring our visitors the best Santa stories and information as much as we can do.
But recently, we were alerted to special education professor George Giuliani's new book, "No More Bullies at the North Pole," wherein the author charges that the classic 1964 stop-motion animated special sends an incorrect message to children regarding bullying. The guy even has a problem with Hermey, the elf who wanted to be a dentist.
If I know Rankin/Bass historian Rick Goldschmidt, he's gonna have a real fit about this! There will be more to come concerning this controversy! Stay tuned!
As for us here at KQ Beyond, we're gonna take a break and maybe do something cool --- like spend the whole weekend dressed up in the full Santa battlegear! Cool, huh?
Anywho, we're back after the New Year, ready to rock, link, tell new tales, and bring you all the stuff you wanna know from the world of Alexander and Ilya Salkind in general, and the entire Kringleverse in particular. Be here!