How We Got Here:

A list of source material, with a few thank-you's from Richard.....

Needless to say, no website about Santa Claus can build itself. There were plenty of people, books and other media that were instrumental in making, Fifth Edition, possible. So now, let us acknowledge those who have aided your humble Elf Without Jingles in keeping this site "the definitive homepage about Santa Claus: The Movie™," starting with the source material:

In addition, there were articles on, about or connected to Santa Claus: The Movie™ in these leading newspapers and/or magazines: Starlog; The New York Times; The New York Daily News; The New York Post; and Newsday.

This website was conceived, developed and researched at the Billy Rose Theatre Collection of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center; your humble Elf Without Jingles would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the dedicated librarians who willingly put up with me during the original stages of research, editing and fact-checking.

There were also a significant number of webmasters, Santa enthusiasts, professional Kringles and their colleagues who also were nice enough to help me with all my questions, stories and other material, so I should briefly like to identify them for you now:

First, to Denise George, who created a beautiful webpage on the 1978 Sgt. Pepper movie with Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees, to which she was hopelessly devoted since age 8. Denise showed me that, if you can love a movie nobody else loves, and put that passion online, you can do anything --- so thanks, Denise, for being one of the first of KringleQuest's major influences!

To Hiphats, GandAlfDC, Bill Williams and the members of the original Superman 60/20 webteam, whose first significant steps made the Superman®: The Movie Complete Soundtrack Album and subsequent DVD package a reality.

To Carrie Kei Heim Binas, former attorney at law, now best-selling online novelist, for her wonderful answers in response to my questions about her contributions to Santa Claus: The Movie™.

To the various New York Metro Area Santas, particularly Dick Shea, Ed Kulkosky, Al Williams, Gerald O'Buckley, Dana Friedman, the former Frank Pascuzzi, now known as simply Santa Claus, the late Roger Franklin, Radio City's own Charles Edward Hall --- and the current elder statesman among the Big Apple's Kringles, Staten Island-based Tom Tuminello, Sr. --- all of whose advice, counsel, dedication to the cause and support were another key factor in making this site possible.

To the survivors of the Santa Claus: The Movie™ cast and crew. Some of you would rather forget that the movie exists; others consider it among the more magical achievements of their careers. Either way, if some of you find your way to the web (and obviously, several of you already have), I hope we can get together in the not-too-distant future, share a few of your memories of the film, and maybe put that ol' twinkle back in Santa's eye.

And lastly, YOU --- the believers in Santa Claus throughout the world, no matter how old or young you are. You're the ones for whom he does all this (that, of course, includes me, since I'm the one telling you all this); the magic, now, as never before, is never possible without you.

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