A Message from Santa!

Greetings, boys and girls! Santa here, hoping that Christmas 2019 has been as magical an experience for you as it's certainly been for me! (Ho-ho-ho!)

This year, Radio City Music Hall had three Santas-in-Residence alongside the Rockettes: Santas Howard Graham and Keith Carson alternated between poses with the folks outside the Music Hall's main lobby, while, on stage, ol' Charles Edward Hall brought back everyone's favorites, among them, those Rockette Rag-dolls! (And don't forget to read Charles' bio, Santa Claus is for Real!) Meanwhile, at the Hollywood Christmas Parade, ol' Tim Connaghan celebrated the spirit of the season as only he could, whilst I got busy networking with my team in Colorado Springs! As usual, the NORAD Santa Squad stood by, and was on constant alert all night long! (Ho-ho-ho!)

Charles and Tim are, as you know, inductees of the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame! They've already announced the Class of 2019, so I hope you can witness the 2020 inductions!

As always, my Christmas morning begins with the Disney Parks Christmas Morning Parade; then, while the Missus and I are planning our vacation, our friends in Pasadena's Tournament of Roses are doing their usual thing. And come July, it's back to Bakken in Denmark for the 2020 World Santa Claus Congress and Gathering of the Danish Santa Claus Guild!

As ever, there's lots and lots of news and information bursting out of my Kringleverse, as it were --- and only one Mortal has ALL the guts, ALL the energy and ALL the chutzpah to share all my holiday odysseys with each and every one of you. So thanks for visiting Richard Washington's KringleQuest.com, Fifth Edition!

Only Richard and his team of Elf supporters have what it takes to track down the best breaking news items, locate the most important information, and share with you the most updated and/or totally revised links! And as always, the centerpiece of this website --- our jewel in the crown, if you will --- is the one motion picture that started it all: Santa Claus: The Movie™.

So, boys and girls, please continue to join me and Richard, as the famous "Elf Without Jingles" tackles the Santa stories and adventures YOU want to discover! Richard's a hard-workin' Elf, I'm sure, but he certainly knows his way around the Season to be Jolly --- and that's why he put this website here in the first place! Do join us!

Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas to all!

Forever and always,


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