And so, Santa Claus: The Movie fans, next Christmas we proudly embark upon our fourth decade of faithful service as your one-stop, non-stop source for all things in the Kringleverse. Conceived and developed during Christmas 1996 as A 15th Anniversary Tribute, and now known as, Fifth Edition, we pause from time to time, as per our annual tradition, to determine the road ahead, starting with our constant commitment to stick around for the long haul, so long as there are those who dare to call themselves fans of Santa Claus: The Movie. And you already know what that means: we won't stop updatin', upgradin', addin', changin' and deletin' (if need be) older and newer links. We'll stay as fresh and as new as people, places and events demand of us. As the only unofficial Santa Claus: The Movie website, we also remain committed to staying on top of any and all Santa-related stories that come our way.
And we're still stickin' to our core purpose as well: to raise public awareness not only about Santa Claus: The Movie and the legacy of Alexander and Ilya Salkind, but also about film preservation. You see, folks, at the end of the day, it's all about making magic happen for everyone: not just professional and amateur Santa performers, but those who believe in and take comfort in Santa's magic every day of their lives.
It's for them, after all, that Richard Washington created this site. While the Quest has been at times a lonely and sometimes difficult one, you can't deny that it was, and remains, a labor of love. And what is Santa Claus, when all is said and done, if he is not a Defender of True and Honest Love?
It all started with one motion picture. And the journey continues onward and ... well, beyond, even if our URL continues to be spelled like it's always been --- .... and anyway, Santa would expect no less from us. As always, we thank you who have either visited or stumbled onto these pages; we remain grateful to you for your trust and loyalty through the years. Remember, it won't make a difference without YOU!
Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas to all!