Welcome, Santa Claus: The Movie™ fans! For those of you visiting us for the very first time, this is KringleQuest.com, Fifth Edition --- THE place to celebrate EVERYTHING Elfmade™!
Whether you want to connect to ClausNET.com or the Ilya Salkind Company or the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation or INSITE, they're all connected in some form to the original release of the Christmas motion picture adventure of a lifetime!
Hopefully, this ol' Elf Without Jingles will interview Ilya Salkind himself one of these days, so that you out there can discover for yourselves some of his own personal memories of making Santa Claus: The Movie™, which will be especially appropriate, given that the DVD/Blu-ray reissue is now available from Lionsgate, along with return screenings on Turner Classic Movies.
KQ5 is jam-packed with Santa events; new weblinks to join the old; and, of course, the renewal of the one and only Santa Claus Oath. And of course, we're on top of every Kringle-related event we can handle, from Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade ® to the World Santa Claus Congress and beyond. With the help of our companion Santa news websites, we'll continue to bring you MORE stories about the people, places and events that will shape Santa Claus's future.
Now more than ever, we can benefit all our friends within and beyond the worlds of the Internet, and bring Santas from around the world a little closer together. It's a perfect way, I think, to bring more of what's going on in the Kringleverse to those who truly believe.
As always, however, we welcome input, ideas, comments, suggestions, etc. from you, our visitors! Contact us with either or all of the above, if you wish to ask a question, or just wanna say hello. That's what we're here for. KringleQuest.com, Fifth Edition doesn't do anything without YOU! And, as always, remember what ol' Dooley told you in his Intro: ".....behave yourselves --- and no peeking!"